How we do it
We believe that people are our strongest asset.
We engage early
Natura Energy believes in project engagement at an early and conceptual stage so as to contribute value to the project’s appropriate and effective structuring.
We analyse the needs
An accurate needs analysis is paramount to creating a project that will satisfy the long term requirement of a client. Natura Energy is diligent in dedicating appropriate time and resources to this task.
We devise a plan
Power generation projects are predominantly about fuel source. Before considering any technology choice, Natura Energy applies its in-house Triple “A” Matrix (Availability, Access, and Abundance) to identify the best possible energy source(s) for power generation at a given location and in conjunction with a given power requirement.
We are solution driven
We are not partial to any particular technology choice. We are completely open-minded and our goal is to find the most appropriate solution for every project context.
From project idea to full implementation
Natura Energy manages the full project development cycle from project inception to full implementation, including life-cycle operations and maintenance.
Fully understanding the complex requirements of Project Financing in its technical, legal, financial and risk allocation components, Natura Energy builds the project implementation process from the early pre-feasibility stage, through to financial close, including as required, tendering for construction and operations and maintenance, raising of equity and debt funding, technical and environmental studies, contractual agreements etc.
Alongside the permanent executive team, Natura Energy draws upon resources and expertise of external professionals with whom a strong working relationship has been established, to assist with project development and management as and when the necessity arises.